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New Burn Permit Website From the State of Maine


This new website through allows users in all towns to obtain burn permits online. 
All online permits are FREE of charge and can be obtained anytime the fire danger is class 2 or below.
All online permits must be printed or available to view on a mobile device for inspection at the site of any burn. 
Note: Free Permits are still available from your local town Fire Wardens listen below. 
To view the current fire danger click the button below.

Burn permits will only be active when the following conditions are met:


  • Fire Danger is Class 2 or LOWER.

  • Burning is NOT permitted Monday-Friday from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM.

  • Equipment and personnel conditions listed on permit must be met.  

For those seeking traditional burn permits,

there are 2 people who can issue Burn Permits for the town of Hancock.

Chief Chris Holmes
(Nights and Weekends Only)


Asst. Chief Michael Holmes

(Nights and Weekends Only)

Chief Holmes and A/C Mike Holmes DO NOT issue them while they are at work M-F, 8:30-4:30.


If you leave a message on their cell phones, they can make arrangements for after 4:30pm.

Chief Holmes #'s cellphone: 207-460-8001, H 207-422-3343

A/C Holmes cell phone: 207-479-1117



All images and logos are the property of their respective owners including the Hancock Vol. Fire Department Inc. and may not be re-used, reproduced, or sold without the expressed permission of their respective owners. 

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